AudioProDB is the premier place to find all industry news & audio credits, worldwide. This highly anticipated concept came from the need of every industry member to input, update, showcase and review the acclaims of all audio professionals, from music to audio post-production and anything in between.

AudioProDB is the industry leading source for the who, what and where of the Audio industry. This is the ultimate online resource for today’s sound professionals. We house a searchable database of more than 200 million data records encompassing everything in the audio world of music and media. These data items include individual & corporate credits, project statistics, detailed catalogues, discographies, liner notes & more.

This is the one place where you as an audio industry professional can list all your credits in one place, whether it be mixing a record, recording ADR for a film, scoring a commercial, or did sound design for a video game. Finally you have a place, beyond just your personal website, where people can see how hard you’ve been working and how busy you’ve been.

We enjoy a backing of over 100 million music lovers and decision-making execs each week. AudioProDB is conveniently available on mobile devices with iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Phone 7 applications, along with our mobile friendly site We make it easy for the busy producer and the tech savvy engineer to navigate and find what they need.

Whether you’re looking for credits or adding your own, AudioProDB was devised for YOU to claim your space. Just a few clicks, and VOILA! There you have it. Get the professional recognition you deserve, in the professional presentation they’re looking for!

Let’s say you worked on a film, as a sound designer last month, and yesterday you finished recording your favorite rock band or hip hop artist. There is no other place on the web where both of those credits would live in the same space. In today’s world, audio professionals have to wear many hats, working in more divisions than ever before. Let’s honor that effort with a credible and professional place so that everyone can know all the great work you do.


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